The 101 ways to understand Art ( urArt/ artforpeace)
stories and lists about public relation,
art work, buisness
here U find a list of criteria
1. who is the artist
2. the Art world
3. why make Art
4. Art Blogs
5. Art contacts
6. Collectors
7. Art galleries and their buisiness
8. start your own
9. catalogues
10. organize your exibition
11. Production
Art of......(music, writing, painting, installing......,Living)
What Artists should have
what artists should be.......! ( a personal view)
going public
media work
start your own (in a Blog
Internet ressources
Computer machines and art
selling Art in Internet
your Art Homepage
Art books and magazines
how buisness-companies are looking for artist
Bewerbungen for Art – Wettbewerbe
the time to be prepaired
Art Hitlists
Art helpers
how to make a buisness plan
how you make a masterplan
what it means to have a buisiness angel
- SPONSORS:(this is a heading for a letter, sponsors are small and big companies in your aerea, where your event is organized)
for the realisation of this cultural event We ask you gently to figure like a sponsor with a finacial support which we need for our public relation part. It concern the finacial part for the realisation of the printed matter like printing and sending of the invitation card, the program and poster as one and the multiplication of our virtual catalogue on CD. It is obvious thet all sponsors would be honoured to become a representative place a ad-banner on our printed sheets and also on our internet-presentation.
Drafts for poster, program sheet and flyer and also invitation card we present you likly on your request with eMail. - following with the masterplan and budget for the event and for what how much $ are needed: 100 posters ( long)
1000 program sheets ( ½ A3 )
5000 flyers (A6 / 180 g)
1000 invitation cards ( A5/ 300g)
for printing 1250 $
mail invitation 850 $
catalogue 590 $
advertising/banners 600 $ - how to donate art to a museum
don't be afraid to make your own plans
contact to museums
contact to collectors (to become friends)
contact with Radio/ TV7 printmedia reporters
Personal friends will help you
Art and history
Art and religion
Art and natur ( land Art)
Art and people
primitive Art
art courses
you become famous, you like it or not
you will stay simple art worker
about money and art
motivations for Art work production
a philosophic view for Art
a materialistic view to Art production
the spiritual view for Art
Art IS work
Art history ( the shortest way)
art in architectur (Art am Bau)
building and art ( Kunst am Bau 2)
Art funds (Stiftungen, Staatliche, ecc.)
art schools and universities (studies)
art and science
art living
live like an artist
how to present you ( in 5 steps)
art teaching for your children
preferences for your art collection
a call to art collectors
invitations for your expositions
make an email invitation for your art project
meet important people
advertising for Art
critics in Art
critics for your Art work
going public
how to be an independent artist
art Auctions (Versteigerungen)
affirmations for art (money is my friend!)
artist work on command
the tollerance for art
the tarot fool, highpriest or king in Art
magic art and artists
go public
the art work outcoming
artists as public persons
Up and downs
Art search for artists
Art search for collectors
How to give away art for personal growing
contracts in Art
Urheber-right for art work
copyright of your Art work
Art communities/ societies/ associations
have many Art friends
how to NOT talk about art
registrate you in art
Jobs in art
Art fairs
how to find Art concerned contacts
Art newsletters
artists and art-stock market
the first steps to become an artist (7 steps)
art makes you popular
Technorati Profile
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